Sunday, June 7, 2009

Flash demons

It’s time for a confession: I’m addicted to online Flash games.

There is something about free, quick, in-browser computer games that is incredibly appealing, more so than your larger commercial games. Over the past six months I have watched hours of my life draining away into these little time-sucking black holes.

They are the perfect procrastination tool for four reasons:

  1. They are usually short and level-based, so you can kid yourself into thinking they won’t take long or that you’ll be able to stop yourself after a couple of levels.
  2. There are so many of them; you can get bored of one and still have millions left to sustain you.
  3. They are easily available in your web browser. It takes absolutely no effort at all to open a new tab to find a plethora of little demons waiting to steal your productivity.
  4. They are free.

My advice: don’t start the habit, don’t play a single game, don’t even open one of the websites and, God forbid, do not add it to your bookmarks like I have.

[But if you were interested, I currently use Try Shift; it’s a great puzzle game. With sequels!]

17-6-09 edit: And sometimes, you find a game that is practically a work of art. Little Wheel is an aesthetic and aural masterpiece.

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